Wrinkle Fillers

In Cànons Clinics, specialized in Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine, will offer techniques and safe products and advanced techniques for people who wish to carry out treatment for removing wrinkles, furrows and folds with immediate and lasting results with biocompatible substances that do not require proof evidence previous of allergies and, to suit the needs of each person without altering daily activities.

Skin aging is caused by intrinsic factors such as genetic code, the biological clock, but also extrinsic factors such as dietary habits, snuff, alcohol, and stress … factors that we can control to some extent. On the skin, sun damage by UV radiation becomes the biggest threat.

The set of intrinsic and extrinsic factors leads to a reduction of elasticity and increase of roughness and dryness of the skin. Giving rise to collagen and elastin fibers degradation and hyaluronic acid concentration decreases starting out first wrinkles.

When the treatment is indicated?

Rehydration of skin wrinkles or scars can remove wrinkles, facial folds and furrows and early signs of skin aging while we act preemptively to the appearance of new wrinkles, sagging…. At the same time, the appearance is improved by providing the skin elasticity and luminosity.

The indication of treatment will always depend on your needs. You can begin as you  check out the first facial wrinkles or, if you already have medium depth facial wrinkles or deep, feel that the upper lip is missing projection, you have a scar or skin atrophy and you want to hide, Your skin starts to look more harsh and less bright dehydrated and natural glow.

The areas most frequently filled brow, periocular wrinkles, nasolabial folds and perioral wrinkles.

How many types of fillers are there?

There are three types of filling: own, absorbable and permanent.

Currently, the hyaluronic acid as an absorbable substances is  the most used because they have lower cost and minimal risk of allergic reaction.

How will be the wrinkle filler treatment?

First, demake up the area we are going to treat. Desinfection of the treatment area and then apply a powerful anesthetic cream specially formulated for Cànons Clinics, wait for it to take effect and proceed to the administration of the specific product to fill the wrinkle or wrinkles you want to treat. Then, apply a calming and specific mask and finally apply concealer and make up according to your tastes.

Can I see a 3D simulation before treatment Wrinkle Filler?

At our Cànons Clinics clinics, specializing in Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine, offers the ability to display a new program using Crisalix 3D programm simulations of the wrinkle filler therapy to analyze a personalized and medically all aspects you want to improve, just doing some preliminary photographs, where you can get an idea, always about, how you’ll be later, and involved a variety of factors.

Are there instant results?

The final aesthetic result is observed at the same time that you perform the treatment of wrinkle filler in concrete or several wrinkles.

From the moment that fills the wrinkle or wrinkles immediately check its declining depth of wrinkle treated and you will see that it will progressively hydrating the treated area or areas so that this or these will be blurred.

Will I get rid of wrinkles permanently?

The duration of effect is variable as in all aesthetic medical treatments. You’ll have to do some annual maintenance session or by semesters, depending on the type of product used, the condition of skin aging and also very important for your  habits and skin care as well as mainly in snuff and alcohol consumption.

Is it a safe treatment?

In Cànons Clinics, Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine clinics, use biofermentation products not of animal origin in order to minimize the risk of allergy and completely biodegradable. Therefore, it requires no preliminary biocompatibility test.

Do my daily activities will be altered?

You can do all your activities of daily living. At the end of the treatment we will make you up so you won’t notice redness that may appear.