27 Jun
Who is the ideal candidate to undergo a vaginoplasty?
Will women who want to correct scars episiotomies after childbirth or good women who detected a widening of the canal because of age, childbirth, multiple births, following menopause … that prevents women from having sexual relations complete both her and her partner.
What is a Vaginoplasty?
There will be a plasty of the vagina which will strengthen the vaginal muscles so that simultaneously narrow the vaginal canal.
This procedure is performed on an outpatient sedation so that the day will discharge.
What will return to normal?
During the first 48h.’re somewhat annoying. It is important during the first 48 hours make relative rest, local not get cold, you keep all the analgesic and anti-inflammatory pattern that will indicate your plastic surgeon form acortarás this postoperative period, and will return as soon as possible to normal the day day.
With the narrowing of the vaginal get greater intensity of friction and pleasure during sex.
How do you plan Vaginoplasty?
During the initial consultation, your plastic surgeon will evaluate the degree of dilation of the vaginal canal, it firmness and overall health status. I asked some preoperative tests and, if applicable also an electrocardiogram. It will explain the surgical technique.
You should expose your expectations honestly and frankly, for the plastic surgeon show the alternatives available to suit your needs.
It also will explain what type of anesthesia to be used, the need to enter the clinic where the surgery will be performed and the costs of the intervention.
The doctor will give you instructions on how to prepare for surgery, including guidelines to keep on shooting or suppressing medications, vitamins, iron supplements, food, liquid and snuff.
Make sure also that a family member or companion can take you home when you are to be discharged.
What precautions should I take?
In order to limit the risk of bleeding and bruising have to avoid taking in the 7 days before the procedure antiplatelet drugs such as aspirin, dipyridamole, ticlopidine… as well as in the 3 days prior to taking NSAIDs like Ibuprofen antiplatelet effect, Diclofenac, indomethacin, piroxicam, naproxen…