Cànons Clinics major outpatient surgery operating room

Get to know the major outpatient surgery operating room at Cànons Clinics

“How? “How are you going to operate on me right here?” There are those who are still surprised when we tell them that their intervention will be in our own outpatient major surgery operating room. Is it as safe as a hospital? Whether you are patient or professional, we tell you what you can expect from our facilities.



Why an operating room for major outpatient surgery?

From a stressful experience to an exciting one

A plastic and aesthetic surgery operation like any other causes nerves.

The previous appointments, the fear that something will go wrong during the intervention, the anesthesia, the first hours afterward, the recovery… It is a necessary step to achieve emotional, physical and psychological well-being that is pursued

But let’s be honest… Nor is it nice.

Therefore, as professionals our responsibility is to do everything in our power so that the experience is as pleasant, comfortable and exciting as possible. At least that’s how we have always understood it at Cànons Clinics.

That is why in 2021 we opened in Barcelona our own outpatient major surgery operating room. The goal: improve care and offer the highest quality of care to each of our patients.


The 5 advantages of major outpatient surgery for the patient

What is major outpatient surgery (MAS)?

Basically they are operations of less than 2 hours, with less intensive postoperative care, in which there is no need for hospital admission. In our specialty: breast augmentations, otoplasties, laser assisted liposuctions…

What’s happening?

To avoid a stay in the hospital must maximize the effectiveness, safety and quality of the surgical act. Minimally aggressive techniques, cutting-edge technology, highly qualified personnel, etc. 

A continuous challenge and one of the reasons why at Cànons Clinics we focus so much on continuing training.

The advantages for the patient are multiple:

    • You return to your daily life sooner. The same day of the operation you go home and sleep in your bed. A luxury. Recovery is faster and affects work and family nucleus less.
    • Less stress, more peace of mind. Hospitals sometimes already yes they put in tension… By not passing through there, nerves and anxiety are greatly reduced. The atmosphere in the clinic is more relaxed, warm and close.
    • Tighter, more focused control. Since all care is within our facilities, it allows us to provide exhaustive, 360-degree support. Cover all needs in the same environment.
    • The clinic adapts to the patient, not the other way around. The care is much more personalized than in large hospital centers. Besides, you save paperwork, there are fewer delays, more flexibility… Everything is more bearable.
    • Lower risk of hospital-acquired infection. According to studies, 5-10% of hospitalized patients suffer infections after receiving healthcare. In the US it is one of the 10 most frequent causes of death.

5 reasons why more and more people are choosing this care model. In our plastic and aesthetic surgery clinic, demand grows year after year.


The health system also benefits

We cannot ignore the advantages that performing operations in a major outpatient surgery operating room has for public and private healthcare:

    • The occupancy of beds and hospital stays decreases. It helps avoid a very serious problem that unfortunately happened during the COVID-19 pandemic: having to say NO to people who require admission.
    • Reduces health spending. Because of the above and because there are fewer complications such as hospital-acquired infections.
    • The waiting lists. The same. By reducing the burden on the health system, there is not so much bottleneck.



Cànons Clinics outpatient surgery operating room inside

Just like in a hospital: patient safety first

There are people who doubt.

When we tell them that their operation is going to be performed here, within our clinic at Cànons Clinics, they sometimes distrust… “Is this as safe as a hospital?” We understand it.

But look.

First of all, to open a major outpatient surgery operating room we have had to be authorized by the Department of Health of the Government of Catalonia.

A permission that is not granted lightly. A list of requirements must be met. For example, they monitor the air conditioning and heating systems. pressures, which must prevent the entry or growth of microorganisms in the surgical area.

The health department is very strict. They make constant random inspections to verify that we always have everything prepared and up to date.

Secondly, we follow the criteria of the Spanish Association of Major Ambulatory Surgery. One is very clear: “the provision of devices, drugs and health personnel in a CMA operating room must be the same as that of one with admission.”

That is to say, that we should be like a hospital. At Cànons Clinics we have all the resources that you would find in a hospital operating room and we offer the maximum guarantees of safety and comfort.

Do you want to see the facilities a little?

YouTube video
YouTube video


Postoperative: under what conditions is the patient discharged?

A very important point in major outpatient surgery is medical discharge. 

Since we do not enter, we must make sure that the patient leaves in good condition

For this purpose, at Canons Clinics we attend to the PADSS criteria (Post Anaesthetic Discharge Scoring System). It is a scoring system that allows us to determine if it is in stable clinical conditions and how to receive discharge.

Before that, after operating, we take the patient to our postoperative recovery unit. There we carry out strict control. It is equipped with everything necessary to ensure your well-being during the first hours after the intervention.

At the time of discharge we deliver an instruction report and a 24 hour contact telephone. We are very attentive to evolution.

We have two boxes: one for induction and another for anesthetic resuscitation.

We have two boxes: one for induction and another for anesthetic resuscitation.


What professionals are involved?

Major outpatient surgery requires VERY qualified surgical personnel.

RecalcWe love VERY because these operations require professionals with a very high level of preparation. Experienced specialists capable of handling any situation and ensuring that the patient leaves calmly the same day. 

He team of Clinical Canons is always the same:

    • Certified plastic surgeon. He is responsible for performing any plastic and aesthetic surgery intervention. 
    • Anesthetist. Nor just sedate, anesthetize or awaken the patient. During the entire procedure, your vital signs and safety are monitored.
    • Nurse. PIt provides the best care after the operation and makes the short stay in our clinic comfortable.
    • Field assistant. Prepares the operating room and assists the rest of the medical team so that the surgery goes smoothly and without any complications.


staff of the ambulatory major surgery operating room of Cànons Clinics

The surgical staff of Clinical Canons



What surgeries do we perform in our outpatient operating room?

2 essential criteria and examples

In the Canons operating room Clinics we practice operations that can be considered major outpatient surgery. 

Two fundamental criteria:

    • Duration less than 2 hours. From that time on, the complexity increases and you may need one night in the hospital for better control.
    • Patients without surgical risk. Healthy (ASA I classification) or at most with mild systemic disease without functional limitations (ASA II). Always confirmed with a preoperative and previous anesthetic study.

Both things are what allow you to avoid entry.

Breast augmentations, mastopexies, blepharoplasties, laser-assisted liposuctions, otoplasties, female genital aesthetics and miniliftings facials. They are the most frequent outpatient interventions in our facilities.

Today we do between 2-3 operations of this type every week. They represent around 65% of our total activity. Always accompanied by comprehensive care for the safest and most satisfactory result.


What surgeries we do not do

We follow the previous criteria in the same way. 

We do not perform in our operating room interventions that may exceed 2 hours or if the patient has risk factors. Nor if the probability of bleeding is high. At Cànons Clinics we are very cautious in this regard.

For example:

    • Complex open rhinoplasty. It’s 4 hours.
    • Facial lift in people with high blood pressure.
    • Extensive lipo sculptures even if the patient is healthy, since they take more than 2 hours and the recovery time is long.

In these cases we operate, but at Clínica Corachan, one of the best private hospitals in Barcelona. We admit and monitor there.


Do you want more information?

Every day more patients opt for our outpatient major surgery operating room at Cànons Clinics, Barcelona. At first some show disbelief, but when we explain it in detail and they visit the facilities, their doubts quickly dissipate. 

Satisfaction rates are very high. It is very convenient to avoid hospital admission without reducing the quality and safety of the procedure one bit.

If you are considering a cosmetic operation, you can consult us without any type of commitment or make an appointment with Dr. Víctor Hernàndez Machado.

If you are a specialist and would like to rent our CMA unit or collaborate with us, the same. Contact us and we will be happy to inform you of the conditions.


Please cite the information




If you want to investigate more…

    • Working Group for the development of UCMA Standards and Recommendations. Manual of Major Ambulatory Surgery Unit. Standards and recommendations [Internet]. Ministry of Health; 2008 [cited October 9, 2024]. Fountain
    • American Society of Anesthesiologists. ​Statement on ASA Physical Status Classification System [Internet]. HANDLE; 2014 [revised December 13, 2020; cited October 9, 2024]. Fountain.
    • Gómez J. Discharge Criteria in Major Ambulatory Surgery. Reliable Cir. 2022; 33(4):414-421. Fountain.
    • Bouza E. Nosocomial Infection: situation in Spain. RIECS. 2023; 8(1): 120-129. Fountain.
    • Other references: ASECMA (Spanish Association of Major Ambulatory Surgery), Clinic Corachan.


Frontal image of Dr. Víctor Hernàndez Machado. Medical Director of Cànons Clinics

Dr. Víctor Hernàndez Machado. Medical Director of Cànons Clinics

Plastic surgeon specializing in facial surgery and body contouring, with experience in the private sector since 2001. I advocate for honest aesthetic surgery and medicine in which results improve, not change.

Registered doctor in Barcelona number 30493, member of the SECPRE and general secretary of the Spanish Society of Surgical Medical Lasers (SELMQ).

Resume. LinkedIn.