Motiva Implants: medical opinion, review, before and after

Why Do I Recommend Motiva Implants at Cànons Clinics? Medical Opinion

There are many brands of breast implants, and each professional has their preferences. This raises the question: which is better? At Cànons Clinics, I have been recommending Motiva implants to my patients since 2016. I‘ll explain what they offer and give my honest opinion as a plastic surgeon, and illustrate using one of our very beautiful cases.



Are Motiva implants good?

What do these breast implants offer compared to other brands?

First, I would like to clarify the following.

 In Spain, breast implants are considered medical devices. Therefore, in order to be marketed, they must have the CE marking, a certification that  meets all the quality requirements established by law.

Regulatory agencies have learned from past mistakes…

With this, I want to tell you that popular brands like Mentor or Polytech, which, like Motiva, have the CE marking, can offer very good results in qualified hands. I don’t intend to put them in a bad light.

That being said, in my opinion, Motiva implants stand out for 5 reasons:

    • Natural feeling. “It’s like I’m not wearing anything, they feel like part of me.” This is the most frequent comment from patients we have operated on with these implants.
    • Ergonomic implants. In addition to the usual round and anatomical implants, Motiva has created the ergonomic ones. They are designed to achieve a look, feel, and movement much closer to that of a natural breast.
    • Very low complication rates due to improved biocompatibility. The quality of their shell plays a major role here. Motiva implants were the first ones to offer a nanotextured surface. I’ll explain this down below.
    • High investment in Research and Development (R&D). Establishment Labs (the manufacturing company) allocates significant resources to researching and developing safer and more natural implants. They have published multiple scientific studies.
    • They prioritize medical training. The company invests heavily in training plastic surgeons like us who use Motiva, ensuring impeccable surgical technique. This directly impacts on patient satisfaction.

Enhanced biocompatibility: What does it mean?

A brief review. 

When we insert a breast implant, the body naturally recognizes it as a foreign object. As a result, it triggers an immune response and isolates it in a fibrous tissue capsule (this always happens). 

Over time, this capsule can harden, contract, and cause what is known as capsular contracture. An important factor in the development of this complication is the surface of the implant, which can be smooth or textured (rough).

 What happens? 

It has been observed that textured surfaces are associated with a lower incidence of capsular contracture (it’s more common with smooth surfaces). They also adhere better to the tissue, making it less likely that the implant will move or rotate.

However, the level of texturization must be considered carefully. 

Macrotextured implants seem to provoke an excessive inflammatory response. This leads to a higher risk of pain, seroma, infections, double capsules, and lymphoma (this is being investigated). 

Motiva was the first brand to introduce  nanotextured surfaces to prevent these issues. A major advance in my opinion.

This surface produces a reduced inflammatory response and promotes the formation of a healthy capsule around the implant. They integrate better into breast tissue, or in other words, they are more biocompatible

Hence, their complication rate is so low. 

Although it is true that Motiva does not have an extensive track record (they were launched in 2010) and there is a lack of long-term follow-up, the studies to date are very favorable, and most of the surgeons who use them are not experiencing any problems with them.


Ergonomix2: the greatest innovation in breast implants

I was telling you earlier about the efforts that Establishment Labs dedicates to innovation.

A clear example of this is the Motiva Ergonomix2 implant (an improved version of the Ergonomix1). In my opinion, it is one of the most significant innovations in the sector in recent years.


    • They provide a very organic movement to the chest. Although they are round implants, they visually and sensorially resemble anatomical ones. Whether lying down or standing, they take on a shape very similar to that of natural breast tissue.
    • They allow for an almost imperceptible scar. Filled with a special silicone gel, they can be inserted into the breast through a minimal incision (MinimalScar technique). 2-3 centimeters… Almost half the usual scar length.
    • They promote a better postoperative recovery. Thanks to the MinimalScar technique, the procedure is less traumatic for the tissues and helps speed up the recovery process.

All of this, combined with high biocompatibility, allows for achieving an incredibly natural result and meeting the needs of a wide range of patients.

That’s why at Cànons Clinics, we strongly advocate for the use of Ergonomix2.

YouTube video



Our experience at Cànons Clinics with Motiva implants.

Around 80% of the implants we use are Motiva.

Since we introduced them in 2016, we have recommended Motiva implants as the first choice for hundreds of women.

Shape, projection, size… We evaluate each patient individually to choose the most suitable type of implant.

The results so far have been fantastic.


Patient operated with Motiva implants: before and after.

Let me show one of our cases.

Our patient was thinking about breast surgery for a long time.. After an exhaustive diagnostic assessment, we carried out:

    • Breast augmentation with Motiva ergonomic implants (Ergonomix2, 325cc, moderate profile), chosen according to her desires and anatomy.
    • Submammary approach + Dual Plane + Minimal Scar. A 3 cm incision in the submammary fold and placement of the implants in a partial submuscular plane. Safer compared with the periareolar approach and total subglandular and submuscular planes.
    • Non-Touch technique. We insert the implant using a sterile sleeve that prevents contact with the patient’s skin and the surgeon’s gloves. This reduces the risk of infection (the main cause of capsular contracture according to studies).
    • Duration of the procedure: 75-90 minutes. Outpatient surgery carried out in our operating rooms at Cànons Clinics.
    • Return to normal routines after 7 days with basic care such as avoiding lifting weights and physical exertion. Return to the gym after 8 weeks for the lower body and 12 weeks for the upper body. Orthopedic bra for 1 month.

Today, the patient is happy with the new appearance of her breast. She has gained a lot of self-confidence and feels great in any outfit. We are also happy to have helped her take this important step.

Take a look at her before and after images.

Breast augmentation Barcelona with ergonomic Motiva implants before and afterMotiva ergonomix2 prosthesis before and after
Breast augmentation with Motiva ergonomix2 prosthesis before and afterMotiva ergonomic implants before and after



Frequently Asked Questions about Motiva Implants

How many years do Motiva implants last?

There is a belief that implants only last 10 years…

That’s not exactly the case. It is true that they are not eternal and that patients who underwent surgery at a very young age need a replacement sooner or later. However, in most of these secondary surgeries, the prostheses appear intact.

The reasons for reoperation are usually either aesthetic or due to a capsular contracture (which does not imply that the implant is broken).

It is not possible to give an exact expiration date. Ultimately, it depends on many factors that sometimes don’t even relate to the implant itself.

I can tell you that Motiva implants are made of a cohesive silicone gel. This gel adheres to the components of the coating, creating a very compact structure.

They are very resistant.


What is the guarantee they offered?

All Motiva prostheses include:

  • A 10-year replacement policy against capsular contractures (Baker grades III and IV). If you experience this complication during this time, Establishment Labs will provide you with free replacements (two if both need to be changed).
  • Lifetime warranty against ruptures throughout the implant’s useful life. If it breaks, you will receive a new one (two if necessary) at no cost.

Depending on the type of prosthesis, the company offers additional options. By paying an extra fee, if after the first 2 or 5 years they need to be replaced due to a rupture or capsular contracture, they will provide financial assistance for the surgery.

In certain cases, this extra warranty is free for the first year.

The Ergonomix2® includes it for 5 years.


Where are they made?

Establishment Labs manufactures Motiva implants in Costa Rica. I had the opportunity to visit them in 2023, and the work they do there is amazing.

Dr. Víctor Hernàndez Machado at the Establishment Labs facilities where they manufacture Motiva prostheses

Here we are, several surgeons (I am the second from the right), just
before entering the implant manufacturing area.



In conclusion, what do I think about Motiva implants?

Throughout my 25 years of professional career as a plastic surgeon, I have witnessed the various advancements that have been made in this field.

To this day, in my opinion, Motiva implants are among the best breast implants in the market. It is a very good brand. And although other companies are also very competent, I believe that Establishment Labs operates very differently.

They have been doing things very well for a long time, and their future is very promising. They are responsible for the 6th generation breast implants.

Their obsession with innovation and providing increasingly safe and natural results aligns perfectly with our philosophy at Cànons Clinics. This proactive approach to innovation makes this brand unique.

Additionally, it is a company that is very focused on training medical professionals, which helps us achieve a high satisfaction rate in each patient.

We are very pleased.

If you are considering breast surgery with Motiva prostheses, I would be happy to assist you at our clinic in Barcelona or in Granollers. I will resolve any questions you may have and evaluate your case.

You can make an appointment by calling us or writing to us on WhatsApp at 683 27 07 09, or by filling out the contact form accessible from this button:


Make an appointment



More information

If you want to delve deeper, you can visit the Motiva website or these references:

    • Spanish Agency of Medicines and Health Products. Breast Implants [Internet]. AEMPS; 2021 [cited September 11, 2024]. Source.
    • Spanish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. Breast Surgery [Internet]. SECPRE [cited September 11, 2024]. Source.
    • Doloff JC et al. The surface topography of silicone breast implants mediates the foreign body response in mice, rabbits, and humans. Nat Biomed Eng. 2021 Oct;5(10):1115-1130. Source.
    • Quirós MC, Bolaños MC, Fassero JJ. Six-Year Prospective Outcomes of Primary Breast Augmentation With Nano Surface Implants. Aesthet Surg J. 2019 Apr 8;39(5):495-508. Source.
    • Botti G, Botti C, Ciancio F. A Single Center’s Clinical Experience With Ergonomix Breast Implants. Aesthet Surg J. 2022 Apr 12;42(5). Source.


Dr. Víctor Hernàndez Machado. Medical Director of Cànons Clinics

Plastic surgeon specializing in facial surgery and body contouring, with experience in the private sector since 2001. I advocate for honest aesthetic surgery and medicine in which results improve, not change.

Registered doctor in Barcelona number 30493, member of the SECPRE and general secretary of the Spanish Society of Surgical Medical Lasers (SELMQ).

Resume. LinkedIn.