
After a marked weight loss or pregnancy skin and abdominal muscles lose their natural muscle tone and are semi-open or open in its entirety, which causes the accumulation of excess of skin in the area of the abdomen.

In a tummy tuck is the removal of excess skin and abdominal fat, so we get the correction of muscle flaccidity.

With the deposits you will get an ‘ironing effect’ abdomen, leaving a flat, firm and with a contoured and narrower waist.

What is the mini tummy tuck?

The mini tummy tuck is performed on people who only have fat accumulation in the area below the navel and bloating. Involves making a long incision above the pubic line, which blends with the hair, not necessary the incision around the navel. Through the incision is removed excess skin and abdominal fat abdominal stretching, while abdominal wall was sutured.

The medical and surgical procedure is performed under general anesthesia and usually takes between 1 and 2 hours or so depending if associated with liposculture body contouring.

Immediately after surgery, a band is placed pressure therapy as reinforcing it with a bandage to help make recovery as quick as possible.

The miniabdominoplastia get a “Ironing effect” of the abdomen being flatter, firmer and a contoured waist and narrower.

What is Abdominoplasty?

Abdominoplasty involves removing excess skin and fat from the abdominal and in the correction of muscle flaccidity.

An incision above the pubis which runs to the hips. Also, a second incision is made around the navel, to separate it from the surrounding tissues.

Next, release the skin of the abdominal wall up to the ribs, exposing the abdominal muscles and tractions are down.

Abdominal musculature will be tensioned and attached at the midline sutures enhanced, thus providing a firmer abdominal wall and a narrower waist.

Separate skin is stretched towards the pubis and excess skin removed. The navel is repositioned in its new position. Finally, we made the sutures and a bandage will be placed with an abdominal binder presoteraphy as to reduce pain and postoperative bruising while a temporary drains are placed to remove excess fluid that can accumulate around abdominal.

Often is associated with abdominoplasty body contouring liposculpture laser assisted to carry out a comprehensive body contouring procedure which harmonize body shape reshape body contours.

Complete abdominoplasty usually takes between 2 and 3 hours, depending on the amount of excess fat and skin of the abdominal muscles. Is carried out under general anesthesia, approximately.

This procedure can dramatically reduce the appearance of the abdomen bulging, colloquially known as “gut”. In return, it leaves a scar, depending on the extent of the original problem and the surgery required to correct it, can be more or less long.

Abdominoplasty get a “Ironing effect” of the abdomen being flatter, firmer and a contoured waist and narrower.

Who is the ideal candidate to undergo a tummy tuck or a mini tummy tuck?

The ideal candidate for a tummy tuck are those women or men who have a relatively good shape but are concerned about the accumulation of fat or excess skin on the abdomen as well as abdominal distention, which does not improve despite diet or exercise.

This surgery is especially common in people who have had weight gain and then the back of this sudden loss. It occurs in cases of women who have had one or more pregnancies, after which the skin and abdominal muscles have lost their natural muscle tone, have been semi-open or fully open. It is also common in people who have undergone bariatric surgery or who have had certain diseases…

Should postpone the surgery those who should lose much weight, like women who intend to have future pregnancies, as during surgery vertical muscles are tightened abdomen and can return to relax in the course of another pregnancy.

What will return to normal?

During the first days the abdomen is often swollen and something can be felt some discomfort or pain that is controlled by the pattern of analgesia and anti-inflammatories.

Depending on the extent of surgery, you can go home after one or two days at the clinic. Your plastic surgeon will instruct you to take a shower and change your bandages.

Although at first you do not stretch at all, you should start walking as soon as possible. The points on the skin will be removed between 5 and 7 days. Internal points, the ends go through the ends of the incision, in 2 or 3 weeks. The dressing is replaced by a band as abdominal pressure therapy.

You need a few weeks to get back to feeling like before. If your physical condition prior to surgery was good, including a strong abdominal muscles, recovery from abdominoplasty will be faster. Vigorous exercise should be avoided until directed by your surgeon.

The scars will change in appearance and coloration during the first 6 months to a year after surgery, approximately. Generally, it will be from 9 months or, almost to the year of surgery the scar will flatten and clarifying.

The scar of abdominoplasty will be camouflaged under the bikini or swimsuit.

How do I have to plan the miniabdominoplastia or Abdominoplasty?

In the initial consultation, your plastic surgeon will evaluate your health, determine the extent of the accumulation of fat in the abdominal region, the degree of muscle tone and skin. Do not forget to mention if you are a smoker or smoker, if you are taking any medications or vitamins.

You should expose your expectations honestly and frankly, that your plastic surgeon show you all available alternatives for your particular case, with the risks and limitations of each. In any case, your plastic surgeon will determine with you what the proper procedure.

Your plastic surgeon will also explain what type of anesthesia to be used by the anesthesiologist, hospital stay, the need to enter the clinic where the surgery will be performed, and the costs of the intervention. Also, it will give you instructions on how to prepare for surgery, including guidelines to keep on shooting or suppressing medications, vitamins, iron supplements, food, liquid and snuff.

Make sure also that a family member or companion can take you home when you are to be discharged and, if necessary, can help a few days.

What precautions should I take?

In order to limit the risk of bleeding and bruising have to avoid taking in the 7 days before the procedure antiplatelet drugs such as aspirin, dipyridamole, ticlopidine, … as well as in the 3 days prior to taking NSAIDs like Ibuprofen antiplatelet effect, Diclofenac , indomethacin, piroxicam, naproxen…