Aesthetic medical plastic surgeon engaging in continuous training

‘Faster!’. Does continuing education in surgery and aesthetic medicine matter?

Do you know Alice in Wonderland?

In one part of Lewis Carroll’s original tale, Alice is talking to the Red Queen. Suddenly, and without really knowing how, they start running at full speed.

“Faster, faster!” shouts the Queen to a bewildered Alice. No matter how fast they ran, the trees and objects around them remained motionless, as if they weren’t moving forward.

When they finally stop, the Queen explains: “What happens here, you see, is that you have to run as fast as you can just to stay in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast.”



As doctors, we cannot stop training ourselves.

The continuous evolution of medicine is familiar to everyone. 

It is so rapid that, just when you master a technology or the application of a product, companies are already presenting us with a new development that surpasses the previous one. Or new evidence is published that reveals a better way to act.

 In this context, you either “run” to keep up or you fall behind

Here, continuous education plays a key role. Specifically, in surgery and aesthetic medicine, the level of demand and competition is such that it is essential if you aspire to excellence in your care.

“If you want to get somewhere else,” as the Red Queen would say.

Note that the medical deontological code itself mentions that “continuing medical education is a deontological duty, a right, and a responsibility of all doctors throughout their professional life” (Article 77.1, 2022 version).

It is not optional. Failing to stay updated is denying our patients the benefits of scientific progress, which can easily backfire on us. Especially nowadays with social media, where it’s easy to see how other clinics are indeed at the forefront.

This is how we understand it at Cànons Clinics, and it’s what has helped us grow during our 20 years of experience. We believe it’s what sets us apart.



Time is key: training must be of high quality.

Scientific societies

It has always been said that knowledge doesn’t take up space, but today we face an excess of information and a scarcity of time.

We must choose wisely how we stay up to date.

    • Various scientific societies, such as SECPRE, often provide multiple high-quality options for ongoing education. Conferences, courses, journals…
    • The ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) also emphasizes this greatly, especially for residents and young surgeons.
    • Special mention goes to the Congress of the Sociedad Española de Láser Médico Quirúrgico (SELMQ). One of the most technologically advanced meeting we can find currently in Spain, featuring an exceptionally high level of speakers.

Industry and professionals:  “win-win”

Some companies exhibit a special sensitivity towards the training of their clients. They often organize refresher courses that help us stay updated on the latest treatments and protocols that we can offer our patients.

These events (including those hosted by scientific societies) also serve as a field where business opportunities, collaboration, and even friendships flourish. Networking is always present.

At Cànons Clinics, we believe that this synergy between doctors and industry is a “win-win” situation that allows both parties to grow at their own pace.

Together, we reach our goals faster and may get further.

Being a speaker is also very enriching.

Almost one learns more by teaching than by being taught. 

On one hand, sharing your work or knowledge motivates you to stay updated. It is very exciting, enhances your reputation, and moreover, training sessions are a perfect showcase to promote your clinic beyond your borders. 

On the other hand, it forces you to organize what you know in order to express it effectively. You internalize everything more, and then it is easier to transfer it to the consultation. 

The Cànons Clinics team is very committed to this aspect. Dr. Víctor Hernàndez Machado actively participates in medical congresses, webinars, courses, seminars, etc.



The patient: the great beneficiary of ongoing training

Patients are evidently the priority. 

Although there are actors who insist on trivializing the field of plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine, we must never forget that we are here to  take care of your health.

How does having up-to-date equipment affect you?

    • Better results: they receive newer, more effective, and safer treatments. 
    • They feel more confidence and peace of mind: their overall satisfaction increases. 
    • They receive more professional and efficient care.

Beyond the economic impact this has on the clinic (higher recurrence and word-of-mouth referrals), it is very rewarding for the doctor. 

Nothing is more fulfilling than knowing you are offering  the best possible care.

For all these reasons, at Cànons Clinics, we place great importance on continuous training. It is one of our fundamental pillars.

If you are interested in contacting us, you can do so here. by using this link.


Frontal image of Dr. Víctor Hernàndez Machado. Medical Director of Cànons Clinics

Dr. Víctor Hernàndez Machado. Medical Director of Cànons Clinics

Plastic surgeon specializing in facial surgery and body contouring, with experience in the private sector since 2001. I advocate for honest aesthetic surgery and medicine in which results improve, not change.

Registered doctor in Barcelona number 30493, member of the SECPRE and general secretary of the Spanish Society of Surgical Medical Lasers (SELMQ).

Resume. LinkedIn.