Importance of choosing a good certified plastic surgeon in Spain

Does it matter that much to choose a certified plastic surgeon?

If you buy clothes in a boutique that don’t fit you as well as they had suggested, beyond the displeasure there are no really serious consequences. There wouldn’t be any with a menu that wasn’t so delicious, or a cell phone that doesn’t take such good photos…
This, as is evident, is not the case in plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine. We talk about physical and mental health. If something goes wrong, there can be serious consequences here that cannot be resolved by asking for a simple refund. Hence, the importance of putting yourself in the hands of a certified plastic surgeon.



The danger of not choosing a good certified plasti surgeon

It is your health that is at stake

At the outset, I think it is honest to say that the fact that you are treated by a certified plastic surgeon does not give you a 100% guarantee of success in surgery.

Let’s not forget that this is medicine and entering an operating room.

But what is clear is that if an uncredited person treats you, you assume many more risks. More risk of complications, a bad result or things generally not going as you expect.

A qualified medical professional has the necessary preparation to intervene in the safest, most accurate and satisfactory way possible. And to solve problems that may arise (there will never be zero risk).

The threat of intrusion

Surgery and aesthetic medicine generate great benefits, which has attracted “pseudo-professionals” motivated by economic interest. An interest that is prioritized over good work and that in the worst cases takes its toll.

An intrusion that occurs on several levels.

First place and what in my opinion it is more worrying: people outside this sector who have decided that investing in it is profitable. On many occasions, they force professionals to perform procedures that are not indicated just for the sake of billing.

This is a direct risk for the patient.

In second place, medical and non-medical without adequate preparation now they have centers in which they even see themselves capable of forming. And they see no problem in doing infiltrations, surgeries, lasers…

Treatments that can have catastrophic complications.

A very famous case was that of Sara Gómez in 2022, who sadly died a month after liposuction. Apparently he had multiple internal injuries due to malpractice during the intervention.

She was operated on by a certified cardiovascular surgeon, not a plastic surgeon.

A devastating example of intrusion in plastic surgery that has motivated “Sara’s Law” to eradicate it. Because unfortunately we continue to experience real tragedies. Helpless patients with problems that sometimes do not even have a solution.

It sounds banal… but shoemaker, to your shoes.


How can I know if a plastic surgeon is certified in Spain?

Studies necessary in Spain to practice as a plastic surgeon

Being a plastic surgeon requires very specific training. 

In Spain, first you have to graduate in Medicine, which is 6 years of university. Then you have to specialize in Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery via MIR, which is another 5 years of preparation in a hospital.

This is what certifies and trains you as a plastic surgeon.

Two important nuances:

    • There is no specialty of “aesthetic and/or cosmetic surgery”. It is “Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery”, which is how the specialist should indicate it.
    • It used to be called a degree in Medicine and Surgery to refer to a degree in Medicine. However, even though it said “surgery,” it did not qualify one to practice as a plastic surgeon. One had to, and still has to, complete the specialization through the MIR pathway.


How to check if a doctor is certified and qualified

You have several ways.

To verify that you are a doctor, you can access the collegiate search engines that the websites of official schools usually offer. If it is, you will find its data there (my membership number is 30493 at the Barcelona College of Physicians).

The SECPRE (Spanish Society of Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) has a search engine for certified plastic surgeons in Spain. If when you search for him your profile comes up, then he has the specialty.

In my case, for example, if you put “Victor Hernández Machado”. You will see my file.

In addition to making these checks, review their resume, experience, and background. That said… be very careful not to rely on Instagram profiles. Dishonest practices to alter reality are not uncommon.


Can only plastic surgeons perform aesthetic interventions?

There is a caveat. Specialties such as otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology or maxillofacial surgery allow treatments for this purpose to be carried out due to knowledge of the anatomical area.

In aesthetic medicine it is not so clear. The majority of aesthetic doctors have not taken the MIR and have dedicated themselves to this branch by doing a master’s degree or course.


What more should I demand from a plastic certificated surgeon?

Honesty and ethics

In medicine there is a maxim: primum non nocere

The first thing is not to do harm.

Treating a good certified plastic surgeon ethics and patient safety must always prevail over money. You should not perform any procedure that you are not convinced you know how to perform. 

At Cànons Clinics it is one of our main commitments.

There are details that will help you detect and choose those clinics, centers or doctors that put your health first:

    • Do they reach to cry treatment if they consider it too risky?
    • Are they realistic about the results you can expect?
    • Do they tell you about cases similar to yours, with the good and the bad?
    • Do they value your needs in a comprehensive way?
    • Is the treatment honest and transparent?


First class team

A qualified plastic surgeon who cares about the well-being of his patients will do everything in his power to have the best equipment in his clinic. In terms of technology, materials, infrastructure, and human resources.

For us it is a priority. In fact, we have our own operating rooms so that the entire process is much more comfortable (the security requirements so that they give you the respective health authorization are very demanding).

Continuing training

Fundamental in a sector like this one.

Aesthetic surgery and medicine are complex and evolve daily. Therefore, a plastic surgeon must constantly refresh their knowledge to offer the safest and most effective current treatments.

A sign that they do this is by being a member of scientific societies such as SECPRE itself, ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery), or SELMQ (Spanish Society of Medical-Surgical Laser).

Well, not just “being a member”… but actively participating. Attending congresses, giving presentations, collaborating in clinical trials, etc.

I consider this as a way to combat unauthorized practice.

At Cànons Clinics, these are crucial pillars. They are what have allowed us to improve and bring the latest advancements to our patients (such as the innovative Argo Plasma to correct body sagging, with which we are seeing very nice results).

If you are considering a procedure, I hope this information helps you choose a well-certified plastic surgeon or qualified aesthetic physician. If you would like to contact us, you can do so via this button:

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Frontal image of Dr. Víctor Hernàndez Machado. Medical Director of Cànons Clinics

Dr. Víctor Hernàndez Machado. Medical Director of Cànons Clinics

Plastic surgeon specializing in facial surgery and body contouring, with experience in the private sector since 2001. I advocate for honest aesthetic surgery and medicine in which results improve, not change.

Registered doctor in Barcelona number 30493, member of the SECPRE and general secretary of the Spanish Society of Surgical Medical Lasers (SELMQ).

Resume. LinkedIn.